<aside> 💡 Toggle through the what ifs and watch iconic content ideas fall out of your head.

This page uses two functions:

  1. Click the toggle arrow to reveal the next thought starter in each section
  2. Click the add an idea button to make notes as your juices get flowing </aside>

The better the questions you ask, the better the answers you get.

Hey, I’m your brainstorm buddy.

↓ if you like, you can even add your own what ifs here.

<aside> 💡 What if you created a signature series?

↓ Click Add an idea below as you’re sparked by the what ifs above


<aside> ✨ What if you told us your stakes?

↓ Click Add an idea below as you’re sparked by the what ifs above


<aside> ✨ What if you played out a conversation using the ‘inverted’ video effect on TikTok, like this?

↓ Click the Add an idea to automatically create a bullet point with your name.


<aside> ✨ What if you took a known format, and flipped it on its head?

↓ Click the Add an idea to automatically create a bullet point with your name.


<aside> ✨ What if you gave us a tour?

↓ Click the Add an idea to automatically create a bullet point with your name.


<aside> ✨ What if you asked the public?

↓ Click Add an idea below as you’re sparked by the what ifs above
